Cursive Licence Administration Panel

The Cursive Licence Administration Panel allows customers to manage the orders they hold with us, and also to record which user each licence is assigned to. Assignments are updated when orders are renewed, and licences can be easily sent to users directly from the panel, either individually or in bulk. Customers should no longer need to store or manage licence attachments themselves.

The panel page displays the orders held with us by your company along with the licence counts for each. You can expand out the orders to see the corresponding licences and their assignments, but this should not be necessary under normal use - instead, use the actions described below. Users are identified by their corporate email addresses, and their licences will be delivered to those addresses. You can refresh the details using the refresh icon at the top right of the order table. Orders whose update period has ended will have their Valid To field highlighted.

The actions available to you are below the licence table. The main actions are:

Assign licences. Enter the email addresses for one or more new licence users on separate lines or separated by spaces or commas, and they will be assigned to available licences starting with the most recent orders. Once they are assigned you will be able send the licences to the users in a single operation.

Reassign a licence from one user to another. You enter the details for the current user of the licence (either their licence ID or their email) and enter the email address of the user to assign the licence to.

Unassign a licence from its current user, for example if the user leaves your company or switches to another project. Enter the user's details and the licence will be returned to the available pool.

Once you have changed the assignments for one or more licences a banner will appear prompting you to save your changes:

Once saved, you will be shown another prompt to email the licences out to their new users:

Resend a licence to its current user, for example, if the user has a new computer. The licence will be delivered to the user's email address.

Buy Now allows you to purchase new licences. You will be taken to our purchase page with the details pre-filled. Once you have received your confirmation email after purchase, refresh the details in the order table to see the new order.

Get Quote does the same, but will send you a quote rather than purchasing immediately.

If you have orders selected in the table, you will also see the following options:

Renew Now allows you to renew those licences. You will be take to our renewal page with the details pre-filled. If you have multiple orders selected, they will be renewed into a single order with a common update period end date. Once you have received your confimation email after renewal, refresh the details in the order table to see the new order. Licences will be automatically re-assigned from the previous orders to the new one, and you can send the licences to the users in a single operation.

Get Renewal Quote does the same, but will send you a quote rather than renewing immediately.

Add Panel Administrator allows you to add another panel administration user.

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